More handy pytest snippets
It's been a while, but I'm back messing with mocking again. This time I'm dealing with a code base with ~600 tests, about 50% of which make at least one external call to something, an API, a database, all sorts.
I've been trying to introduce a fun little library called …
So you want to buy me a present?
Not saying I'm picky but.... :D -
Kubernetes, making a very basic start
So New Job use K8s. I've managed to avoid it thus far, so I only have a vague understanding of how it works. What's the best way to learn a new tool? Come up with a project you can use it on of course, and the best candidate I have …
More thoughts about blockchain (I'm sorry)
I've been thinking about blockchain recently. I am, like most people, not convinced by blockchain yet I seem to have accidentally found myself having to defend it (the technology that is not its current uses, there's no defending NFTs).
I did a 5 minute non-serious talk last week at a …
Can we solve the energy crisis with... blockchain?
Ignite talk from DevOpsDays London on the 30th September 2022 -
Gay babies for everyone!
So we were very lucky when we decided we wanted to have a kid. Wife just went to the doctor and asked what we needed to do, and she just happened to get the attention of one of the partners of the practice who did all kinds of shenanigans we …