ipad boot loop disaster averted!

My poor ipad has not been feeling well recently. I let the battery go down to zero one day - which has never caused a problem before- and when I plugged it in to charge it, nothing happened.

It got stuck in a loop trying to boot up, but not having quite enough power to do it. I tried every cable and charger combo I could find but nothing helped. I followed so many instructions on how to do a hard reset but nothing worked. I obviously don't pay for Apple care and it's probably years out of warranty so I figured it was a gonner.

A final desperate google took me to a forum page from like, 10 years ago where someone was complaining of the same thing, and there was only one response. They said that ipads have an operating temperature range, and if it were to go below that range it would fully power itself off. Once it's fully off you can plug into the power, which it gives it a chance to get a bit of charge before it tries booting itself up.

And you'll never guess what, it only bloody worked! I stuck it in the ice cube drawer while I went and watched an episode of SVU, then stuck it on charge and went to bed.

This morning it was on a full 100% and as happy as a clam and I am happy.

Well I was happy til I broke my 3d printer, but that's a whole other problem and I'm not ready to deal with that contrary little machine yet.