Who needs a(nother) degree..??

I've always had a bit of an inferiority complex about the fact I don't have a degree related to my job. I have a degree in Astrophysics, in which I did one programming module (in Java) for which I got an astounding 8% (2nd year was not my best time). So despite having now 10+ years of experience in software development, I've always felt like I don't know what I'm doing.

About this time last year I went to the DDD East Mids conference in Nottingham, and I got chatting to a lady who is a lecturer at NTU. We were talking about MSc courses in ML and AI just in general, and she said I should do one. I jokingly agreed and then a few weeks sent in an application. I had no real expectation of getting on the course but guess what - I did!

It's now the end of week 1 of lectures and I'm already wondering what I'm doing... I am working full time and doing the MSc part-time. It works out at about 5 hours of lectures/labs a week but I have to travel to Notts to go to them. I didn't plan this week very well and ended up having SO MANY work meetings that I had to squeeze in around trains and induction sessions and all sorts. It was busy.

I'm only doing one module at a time so far, currently I'm on "Foundations of AI" which covers the basics of ML and AI and an intro to python. Obviously I have the python part down, and so far the theory stuff is all stuff I've read before, but I'm under no illusion that it's going to remain this easy! We get details of our first term assignment next week and I'm 50/50 looking farward to it and dreading it. What if it's too hard and I am just kidding myself? Arg.

The weirdest thing though is realising just how old I am, and not necessarily in a bad way. Most of the other people on my course are international students who have come straight from their undergrad degree. Some of them did 5 year degrees or had a couple of years out of school so they're not all 21... but they are young af. I thought I would hate it and be all jealous of their youth but actually, wow I'm grateful I'm already a grown up. I can't imagine trying to get a first job in this climate as a new grad, it would be a nightmare. It's not easy finding a job when you've got experience, but being brand new? Sounds terrible, poor things.